Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action is a 3-in-1 formula that kills listed existing weeds like dandelion, clover, dollarweed, ground ivy, prevents crabgrass for 4 months (will not kill existing crabgrass), and feeds to build thick, green lawns
Crafted with the exclusive Scotts All-in-One Particles technology, this formula blends the ideal ratio of nutrients and control ingredients into each individual particle
Apply this combination weed killer and preventer plus fertilizer in the spring before crabgrass appears or after dandelions sprout in your yard
This lawn care product is for use on Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Bermudagrass, Tall Fescue, and Fine Fescue
One 50 lb. bag of Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action covers 10,000 sq. ft.